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Cue Tip Triangle - H - 11 mm, 1 piece


The Triangle is one of the best standard leather tip.
It is produced by the American company Tweeten.
Well-known cue manufacturers, such as Pechauer, use Triangle leather.
It is medium-hard to hard and last a long time.

  • Diameter: approx. 11 mm
  • Layers: Single-leather tip
  • Hardness: Hard
  • Material: Pig leather
  • Quantity: 1 piece

Triangle is a trusted brand with 75 years of excellence in performance and quality. Known for its secure feel and reliability, it's a favorite among players and seen in tournaments. Produced by Tweeten Fibre Co. in Chicago, USA.

Product safety information

Tweeten Fibre Company Inc.
1756 W Hubbard St, Chicago, IL 60622, USA

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2,60 €

incl. 19 % VAT

Part No: 100673
In stock
Delivery time: 1-4 days, Shipping method:

Shipping to Germany: 2,90 €
Shipping to EU countries: 3,50 €
Shipping to Switzerland: 3,50 €

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Customer reviews


From at 04/01/2019

My current tip that i am playing snooker. Great tip! Holds the chalk pretty well and comes with a great prize. If you are looking for a harder tip you should give it a go. Better than many other expensive tips.

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